Composite flat boards
A natural product providing an alternative to glasal and materials containing asbestos.
An attractive product with a smooth surface, offering very high resistance in multiple applications.

Consists of Portland cement, mineral fillers, and organic, natural and synthetic strengthening fibres
Pictura has a smooth, silky surface with “anti-graffiti” protection
A solid, rigid slab
Double-layer water-based acrylate dispersion with PU top coating UV hardened on the surface
Standard thickness: 8 to 12mm
Material size: 1250 x 3100 max.
Fixing methods: adhesive, rivets or screws (th. 8mm)
Available in several colours
Very attractive
Specific features
Good fire behaviour and sound-proofing
Resistant to temperature variations, water, and living organisms (bacteria, moulds, etc.)
Resistant to many chemicals
Resistant to claws, shock loading, and box cutters
Highly resistant to scratches (although they will be visible)
Anti-graffiti protection
Resistant to ball impact, steam, freezethaw, and drying out
Highly waterproof and dirt-resistant
Non-polluting, releases no toxic gases
Cleaning: with hot water, steam, or using non-abrasive disinfectants (household products)
Technical data
Application: glued to beech plywood, chipboard and MDF
Specific gravity in accordance with NF EN 12467: 1.65g/cm3
Density: 1.650kg/m3
Dimensional variation: < 1.8 mm/m (dry to saturated state)
Fire reaction: A2-s1, d0 (M0 = incombustible)
Resistance in flexion (NF EN 12467) : > 18 MPa
Modulus of elasticity in flexion > 15,000 N/mm²
Tension flexion failure: 26 N/mm² Hygric behaviour: 1 mm/m
Meets standard NF EN 12467: class 4 resistance – durability category A
Dimensional tolerances: Level I for cut and squared products
Level II for unfinished products
Thickness tolerance (after sawing): +/- 0.8 mm or +/- 1 mm depending on thickness
Width and length tolerance (after sawing): +/- 1.5mm
Areas of application
Industries in demanding environments with high fire risk
Where smooth, uniform appearance required